Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 126

Finals are finally over (thank goodness) and now I can start worrying about the truly hard things that lie ahead: the GRE and organic chemistry.  Woohoo!  Other than studying, though, I admit that I have been a complete and utter waste of life for the past two weeks.

Well, not a COMPLETE waste of life.  I went out and bought all the souvenirs a girl could possibly need at the Night Markets, which is one of the major markets in cairns.  It is an assortment of cheap tourist crap, fake Aboriginal art, beady-eyed masseuses, fake Ugg products, and bad Chinese food.  There are a few good things there, though: cheap shotglasses, discount leather products, and the rare-but-worth-it good souvenirs.

So what did I buy myself as a souvenir?  A kangaroo-leather hat!  I was thinking of getting a crocodile leather one, but I don't think I'm quite badass enough to wear a hat covered in crocodile teeth.  (Frankly, I'm not sure I know anyone who could wear that hat and not look ridiculous.)  I have a picture of myself wearing it (and looking pretty fly) but sadly I left my camera in someone's bag at a beach party and have yet to reunite with it.

But fear not, I still have photos of something awesome: a Lace monitor lizard!  Also known as the Lace Goanna, they like to climb trees and can grow to over 6 feet in length.  They feed on carrion, and are a favourite traditional Aboriginal food.  Like Komodo dragons, their mouths are pretty nasty--you do not want to get bitten by this thing.

I also took a short video:

I am going to stop being such a waste of life and start enjoying my last few weeks in Australia!  I plan to do a fair bit of hiking soon, so expect more photos of wildlife.  Especially spiders, because they're so big and they hardly move!

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