Today we drove up to Cape Tribulation!
Cape Tribulation is at the very top. The drive takes about 2 hours. |
Cape Trib up top, just above Cairns. You know what? Australia is HUGE. |
There is only one road to Cape Tribulation. First you have to cross the Daintree River, which you do by boarding the 'river ferry.' Sounds cool, right? Nope, it's basically a hunk of concrete that slowly shuttles between the two sides of the river. But after that it's a long, windy road through the Daintree rainforest with no shoulder and no bathrooms. It's gorgeous!
The Daintree River. See that boat on the side? You can go croc spotting in that. I think I'd like a bigger boat! |
Yep, it's the car ferry. Not very exciting. |
A lovely scenic overlook. Alexandra Point, I believe. |
Pretty jumping spider! |
No idea what kind of spider this is. But the shadow is cool! |
For our first Daintree activity, we went on a little hike. Australian hiking almost always involves a boardwalk or path, so it's flip-flop friendly. We got stuck behind a tour group at first, which was actually cool for a bit while the guide pointed out animals. Then it turned out to be some kind of conservation tour, and it got super boring. But it was nice to have a guide for a few minutes!
Buttress roots! I love that word, buttress. |
That is so cool. Honestly how anyone could not like spiders (from afar) is beyond me. |
Look what we found! |
This is a red-bellied black snake! It's quite venomous. :) |
A lovely St. Andrew's Cross spider! |
Then it was time to hit the beach. We collected tons of shells. Finally, an easy family-friendly activity that everyone can enjoy!
A looong stretch of beach. |
"Not bad, not bad." |
Finding shells! |
Looking for... coconuts? |
There weren't very many people there, which was nice... because we got all the good shells to ourselves! |
Still comparing shells. We found a TON of them. |
Crabs make little balls of sand when excavating their tunnels. |
There are lots of crabs!
See, I told ya so. |
I have no idea what she's got here but I bet it's something awesome. |
The sand at Cape Tribulation was silver! It was as if someone had poured glitter onto the beach.
Now we all know where glitter comes from! |
How many girls do you know who get excited over calcareous algae? (Answer: one.) |
I had to pet him, he was so cute! |
Then it was off for another 'hike,' this time through the mangroves. The Daintree has a lot to offer!
Mangroves are great! But they're also smelly and full of bugs. |
This is the second coolest tree I've seen in Australia. (First is the Cathedral Fig, of course.) |
Me and my granny! |
I'm not sure if the problems is with the camera or the photographer, but this photo is focused on everything BUT us. (My money is on the photographer. Sorry, grandma.) |
Finally we left the Daintree rainforest and stopped in Port Douglas on the way home. Their beach, called 4 Mile Beach (very creative) is apparently a favourite of rock stars and celebrities and the like. And you know what? It's nothing special. I would definitely pick several of the Cairns beaches over 4 Mile Beach any day. But Port Douglas was lovely, despite their somewhat disappointing beach.
I mean, yes, 4 Mile Beach is nice... but there are lots of nicer beaches around! |
The lookout was lovely, but the drive up was so steep I was afraid we wouldn't make it back down! |
And now for a few more photos I forgot to include from Holloways Beach, where we stayed. Below is the pool, which taught us an important lesson: in Australia, 'spa' is different from 'hot tub.' A spa is just bubbly
cool water. Big bummer, I tell you.
The pool was saltwater though, so that was lovely. |
Know your jellies! |
Barbie time! |
Yep, that's kangaroo meat. Yum! |
Master griller, right there. |
And now for some strange bugs I found at the hotel, just because I love how weird all the insects are here. Go ahead, roll your eyes. But this bug is magenta-coloured!
Some kind of grasshopper, maybe? |
It's pink!!! |
I'm gonna miss all the cool bugs here when I go back to Michigan... |
What the heck is this?! |
This thing was tiny, which is why the photo is such bad quality. But seriously, what on earth is that thing? |
Not bugs, but these birds have some freaky eyes! |
Still to come: the Kuranda railway and the skyrail! And that should wrap up the family trip! :)